Liu Wai Sang

Macrotaoistic Massage

There is a wide variety of massage schools in China: some work with harder and some with softer techniques. Most Taoistic schools are rather soft. Macrotaoistic massage is a selective incorporation of many of the softer Taoistic schools of massage and health exercises like Tai Chi Chuan.

Macrotaoistic massage is very soft but can be very penetrating and differential. Since this massage uses a minimal magnitude of force, it can cover a much wider range of the body and of the complaints. It is usually penetrating as it is often practised in an energetic way. And it can become differential as it is based on applied anatomy. Therefore any discomfort or complaint arising from any layer or type of tissue related to muscle, myofascia, tendon, ligament, aponeurosis periosteum and even bone can be discernibly dealt with.

Craniosacral Anmo Tuina

Anmo (Pressing and Rubbing) Tuina (Pushing and Grasping) are the four most basic and parental techniques of Chinese massage which generate more than 200 secondary techniques. Craniosacral Anmo Tuina is the very soft and sensory yet effective application of these four techniques and some of their derivates to improve and regulate the structural and functional aspects of the body with an emphasis on the Craniosacral system.

The deeper state of the well-being of the structural and functional aspects of the body is reflected in patterns of motility, the innate physiologic motion of the craniosacral system. The range, rate and fluency of the potility of the craniosacral system and hence the well-being of the body can be normalised to a certain extent through the direct and indirect application of Craniosacral Anmo Tuina. The more direct application usually involves very gentle and subtle massage on the cranial bones and surtures as well as the spinal column. The more indirect application employs very soft but directional fascial massage of the musculoskeletal system, closely connected to the Craniosacral system.

Craniosacral Acutouch

The time, discipline and cultural background connected to the discovery of the craniosacral motile (physiodynamic) and of the meridian circulatory system may be quite different. Yet both are very closely related as they share a common fascial system to realize many of their main functions. They are closely related because the main source of both the craniosacral system makes use of the fascial sheaths to conduct its motile energy and the meridian system circulatory energy. Hence both systems can be naturally incorporated to become the Craniosacral Meridian system.

Acupoints are the tiny spots or gates on the body surface which, directly connected with the Craniosacral Meridian system, serve to gather Qi (energy) and to provide communication of the environmental Qi with different parts, organs or systems of the body. When the Craniosacral Meridian system periodically pulsates, oscillates and rotates, all the meridians including all acupoints follow suit. Craniosacral Acutouch is the appropriate application of very light pressure on certain acupoints, often just a few grams, in order to improve or regulate the motility of the Craniosacral Meridian system and by doing so to exert direct positive influence on the whole body.